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Press Release
October 24, 2001

29th Annual IAJE International Conference Uniting the Global Jazz Community

All roads lead to Long Beach, California, USA, for the 29th Annual IAJE International Conference. Scheduled for January 9-12, 2002, the conference will bring together over 7,000 participants from 35 countries to share experiences and expertise, collaborate on projects, and work in unity to strengthen the field of jazz through education and outreach.

The program features a record number of performances and workshops, a 60,000 square foot exhibit hall, and dedicated teacher training and music industry tracks. The conference will also provide the opportunity to honor Quincy Jones, McCoy Tyner, Percy Heath, Frank Foster, and Joe Zawinul in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the European Jazz Festivals Organization.

Conference brochures are now in the mail to all IAJE members and information is also available on-line at www.iaje.org For more details, please call (785) 776-8744 or email info@iaje.org

See you in Long Beach!

Hall of Fame and Humanitarian Award Nominees The IAJE Past Presidents Council oversees the selection process for the Jazz Education Hall of Fame and the Humanitarian Award.

The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honor those individuals whose musical contributions and dedication to jazz education over the past 25 years have created new directions and curricular innovations for music education worldwide.

The Humanitarian Award honors members whose love for teaching transcends the usual academic environment and is presented to an individual who, over the past twenty or more years, has evidenced in his or her efforts to perpetuate jazz, the four elements of humanism: dedication, non-prejudice, altruism, and love. IAJE members submitting nominees should include a biography for the nominee and other information that would assist the committee in its decision. The recipient will be honored during ceremonies at the 29th Annual IAJE International Conference in Long Beach, California, USA. All materials should be forwarded to Past Presidents Council, P.O. Box 724, Manhattan, KS 66505 USA, fax to 785-776-6190 or email to info@iaje.org. Deadline for receipt is November 1, 2001.

Sister in Jazz Collegiate Competition In an effort to support, promote, and encourage the involvement of women in jazz education, college students will compete via taped audition for an all expense paid trip to perform at the IAJE Annual Conference. Included will be rehearsal with, and instruction from prominent jazz artists. Five female students will be selected (including one pianist, bassist, and drummer) to form a jazz quintet at the conference. http://www.iaje.org/projects.asp#SIJ The application and audition deadline is November 6.

Call for Volunteer Coordinators IAJE's Education Department is currently seeking volunteer leaders for several of its expanding educational programs. Participants would be called upon to assist in the creative design, development, and direction of several key education programs including IAJE's Talent Recognition, Artist Outreach, Scholarships, and Educator Recognition. Interested individuals should forward a letter of interest, along with a brief resume of teaching and administrative experiences to:

Gregory A. Carroll, Director of Education
International Association for Jazz Education
P.O. Box 724
Manhattan, KS 66505, USA
email: carrollg@iaje.org fax: 785-776-6190

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